Peace in Christian Thought and Life
An Anthology
Edited by Christopher Dorn
Specs: 352 pp.; 7.5 x 9”; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
Topic: Christian History / Theology
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1623-5
Price: CHF 29.00; £20.00; €20.00; $29.00; March 2015
Order:,, and at local bookstores and online booksellers.
Through insightful introductions and judicious editing of 60 selections, Christopher Dorn’s Peace in Christian Thought and Life captures the great sweep and wide divergences in the two-millennium argument of Christians among themselves over peace, war, violence, and the imperatives of the gospel. From the unyielding idealism of the early Christians to the scarred scepticism of the nuclear era, the volume traces the deepening appreciation of human complexity against the perennial vision and pursuit of peace. For those who are wrestling with the complex calculus of war and peace, violence and social justice, Dorn’s reader provides both historical breadth and theological depth.
Click here to download the table of contents, introduction and chapter 1 (pdf)