Passion and Compassion
The Ecumenical Journey with HIV
Specs: 162 pages; 6-1/4 X 9 1/2" trim, paperpack; perfect bind; four-color cover
Topic: Health and Healing/Ethics
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1682-2
Price: CHF 19.00; £11.00; €13.00; $19.00
Rights: World, all languages
Passion and Compassion Web
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Manoj Kurian MD is a medical doctor from Malaysia. Following his postgraduate training in Community Health in India, he worked for seven years in church-related institutions in India. He directed the Health and Healing programme at the World Council of Churches in Geneva from 1999 until 2012. Following this, he worked for the International AIDS Society, being responsible for their Policy and Advocacy work. He is currently the Coordinator of the WCC-Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance.