White book cover with purplle and black pilgrim routes and a photo of a woman

Mitigating Racial and Gender (In)Justice

An Invitation to Collaborate with the WCC
Nicqi Ashwood
Masiiwa Gunda

The transversals of Overcoming Racism, Xenophobia, and Related Discrimination and the Just Community of Women and Men of the  WCC are committed to ‘leaving no one behind’ by ensuring that issues of dignity and equity are included in all conversations as faith communities. They seek to strengthen male-female and race relations within the WCC fellowship, while advocating for shifts in the power structures which undergird this.

Recognising the role of Western epistemological systems in the gender and racial binaries, they advocate for decolonisation and decoloniality in their work and beyond.

This brochure shares ore information about the work and invites the fellowship to this pilgrimage of discovery, truth-telling, and transformation from the churches to the world and back to the churches.

Specs: 14 pages; A4 size; PDF; 4-colour cover
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Gender Justice/Racial Justice
Rights: World, all languages

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