Making Peace with the Earth
Specs: 256 pages, 6 x 9”, paper, perfect bound, 4-colour cover
Topic: Ecotheology / Social Ethics
ISBN 978-2-8254-1668-6
Price: CHF 29.00; £20.00; €20.00; $25.00
Rights: World, all languages
Foreword by Guillermo Kerber
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As the contributors make plain, no issue so violates the core of Christian convictions as the jeopardizing of human life and creation through climate change. Writing from the concrete experiences and programmatic efforts of churches in Greece, Scotland, Sweden, Finland, Germany, tropical Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands, the 22 theologians and activists in this volume also address related issues of health, human rights, land and deforestation, food security, migration, divestment, as well as creation spirituality and theology.
Making peace with the earth will not be easy, say the contributors. But now is the time for religious leaders, church people and organizations to make climate their priority. This volume will nurture and inform their engagement.
Grace Ji-Sun Kim. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto and is an Associate Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion, Indiana, USA. She is author of nine books, the most recent being Embracing the Other: The Transformative Spirit of Love (Eerdmans, 2015).
Guillermo Kerber, a theologian and professor from Uruguay, coordinates the WCC’s work on Care for Creation and Climate Justice. Formerly Professor of Social Ethics at both the National and Catholic Universities in Montevideo, he is author of several works in the areas of climate change, development, and human rights.