Journey for Justice: The Story of Women in the WCC

Journey for Justice: The Story of Women in the WCC

Focused on pivotal leaders and key challenges over six decades of women’s participation in the WCC, this brief volume traces the evolving struggles and critical accomplishments of women toward realizing gender justice and “the community of women and men” in the ecumenical movement and beyond.

Natalie Maxson

Foreword by Fulata Lusungu Moyo

Celebrating 60 years of critique, cooperation, community—

Focused on pivotal leaders and key challenges over six decades of women’s participation in the WCC, this brief volume traces the evolving struggles and critical accomplishments of women toward realizing gender justice and “the community of women and men” in the ecumenical movement and beyond.

Along with a strong narrative, the volume includes 20 profiles of women who have decisively shaped the ecumenical movement and women’s contributions to it. Additional material includes a women’s ecumenical timeline, an annotated resource list, and questions for group or individual reflection.

"Among the most important historic accomplishments of the ecumenical movement is the lifting up of the presence, perspectives, gifts, and leadership of women in the Christian churches.  Reading their story illumines that gender justice and peace without sexual and gender-based violence as an important part of the churches justice and peace agenda is a theological and missiological imperative on this pilgrimage of justice and peace."

—Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary, World Council of Churches

“While it is not adequately recorded in history, it is important to acknowledge the key role women have played in the shaping of the ecumenical movement.”

—Aruna Gnanadason, former programme executive, Women in Church and Society, World Council of Churches

Natalie Maxson of the United Church of Canada is a Programme Director at the UCC’s Naramata Centre, British Columbia. She served the World Council of Churches during 2004-2009 in youth leadership development and in 2012 participated in the WCC’s Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.


Specs: 144 pages; 5 x 8”; paperback; perfect binding; 4-colour cover

Price: 15.00 CHF; £10.00; €10.00; $15.00

Shelving: Women’s Studies in Religion

ISBN 978-2-8254-1637-2

Rights: World, all languages


Click here to download the table of contents, foreword and chapter 1 (pdf)

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