Faith(s) Seeking Justice Book Cover

Faith(s) Seeking Justice

Dialogue and Liberation
Edited by:
Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar

Published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the WCC’s Programme on Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, this volume celebrates a common confidence that dialogue can be linked to liberation in ways that can be both faithful and fruitful.

From the Introduction: “The heartbeat of this book is its concern to reimagine interreligious dialogue as a “dialogue of and for life” by interlinking it with liberation. What drives it is a passion that seeks to hold together two distinct concerns that emerged within theological thinking during the latter half of the 20th century and have since freed theological imagination in manifold ways.”

Specs: i-xiv, 274pp, 9x6"; paper, prefect binding, four colour cover
Price: 24 CHF, $24.00, £14.40, €18
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1755-3
Shelving: Religion/Religious Dialogue
Rights: All languages, WorldWide

Order from WCC Publications: [email protected] 

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Intertwining interreligious dialogue and liberation

Seeking to intertwine interreligious dialogue and liberation, leading scholars and interfaith practitioners from the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim traditions explore how dialogue can be reinvented as a dialogue of and for life. They interrogate their own faith traditions to identify visible and hidden impulses towards freedom that counteract the role religions play in reproducing or reinforcing oppressive hegemonies. Attentive to the complexities inherent in understanding the term liberation itself, the authors explore its multifaceted hues through the lens of faith(s).

Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar is Programme Coordinator for interreligious dialogue and cooperation at the WCC and a Professor at the Ecumenical Institute in  Bossey. 

Contents and Contributors:


SECTION 1: On Doing Interreligious Theologies of Liberation

  • The Promise of an Interreligious Theology of Liberation. S. Wesley Ariarajah
  • Hindu Feminist Theologies of Liberation: Moving the Margins to the Centre. Jessica Frazier

SECTION 2: Religions Resisting the Empire

  • Abandoning the Metaphysics of Dominium: Buddhist Practice and Phenomenological Decolonization. Gregory Snyder
  • Interreligious Dialogue beyond Dialogue: Revisiting Truth and Power from a Christian Perspective under the Conditions of Empire. Joerg Rieger
  • The Islam Industry in the West: Democracy, Human Rights, and the ‘Civilizational’ Project for the Muslim World. Junaid S. Ahmad

SECTION 3: Faith(s) Seeking Justice—Some Issues and Themes


  • A Hindu Theology of Liberation in the Face of Race and Caste-Based Discrimination. Anantanand Rambachan
  • Dialogue and Liberation: Contextualizing Ambedkar’s Views on Buddhism.   Rahul Hiraman Jhondhale
  • A Spirituality of Liberation: Encounters in Inter-Contextual and Multi-Textual contexts. S. Helen Chukka


  • Negotiating Engendered Embodiment in Social and Spiritual Liberation.   Meera Baindur
  • Buddhism and Liberation of Gender and Sexual Minorities: From Anātman to the Bodhisattva Ideal. Hsiao-Lan Hu


  • Occupy Dialogue: Revisioning Dialogue as “Dialogue of and for Life”  George Zachariah
  • Buddhist Proposal for the End of Environmental Crisis. Xue Yu
  • Interest’s Growth Delusion: A Historical Narrative. Yusuf Jha
  • Class, Interreligious Borders, and Ways of Living with Pachamama    Cláudio Carvalhaes


  • Inclusion, Justice and People Living with Disabilities: Towards an Islamic theology of disability. Nayla Tabbara


  • Deconstructing Trustworthiness in Interfaith Dialogue with a Pedagogy for Liberation. Eve Rebecca Parker