Ecumenical Dynamic: Living more than one place at once
Keith Clements
The dynamism at the heart of a renewed Christianity—
"Deeply insightful and filled with fascinating and perceptive glimpses into the persons, movements, and achievements of recent Christianity, Ecumenical Dynamic is also a cry for Christian commitment that looks beyond the merely individualistic, therapeutic, and narrow temptations in contemporary Christianity to a new and engaged future."
—Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
"I am still among those called 'ecumenical enthusiasts’ by Keith Clements. And I sincerely hope that his book contributes to the ecumenical spring we so desperately need today!"
—Rev. Dr Margot Kässmann, Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hannover, Germany
Ranging across a century of active Christian engagement, historical theologian Keith Clements finds in the ecumenical movement a radical openness that has served to enliven, sustain, and renew Christianity through tumultuous times. Indeed, in the itch to encounter and learn from others very different from ourselves, to "live in more than one place at once," Clements identifies a core element in ecumenical Christian spirituality that is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.
"There is need … to restore the word ‘ecumenical’ to proper and positive use….The story, past and to the present, needs to be told…." —from the Preface
Keith Clements was born in China of missionary parents and has engaged in pastoral ministry, theological teaching and ecumenical work for more than 45 years, including serving as general secretary of the Conference of European Churches from 1997 to 2005. His previous publications have explored major aspects of modern Christian life and thought, particularly ecumenism and the role of the church in society, with special interests in Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the ecumenical pioneer J.H. Oldham. He is a minister of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
Spec: 240 pp; 6 x 9"; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
Price: $20.00 / £12.00 / CHF20.00 / € 12.00
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1596-2
Shelving/Topic: Ecumenical Christianity / History
Rights: World, all languages
Click here to download the table of contents, preface and chapter 1 (pdf)
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