Christ & Capital
A Family Debate
Michael Taylor
The debate about justice and equity in global economic arrangements has preoccupied ecumenical Christianity for a century. It has been given new impetus and urgency by the global financial crisis, by widening disparities of income and wealth, and by a looming climate crisis fuelled by ever expanding consumer-driven economies.
Michael Taylor, a social ethicist with deep experience in international organizations, traces the evolving debate from its origins in the Life and Work movement to today, particularly as it is refracted in the ecumenical writings of the last 65 years. Then, in Part Two, he analyses the core questions of values and strategy that confront Christians in the global economic configuration today.
Michael Taylor is emeritus professor of Social Theology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He was director of Christian Aid for twelve years and director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue for four years. His publications include Poverty and Christianity (2000), Christianity, Poverty and Wealth (2003) and Eat, Drink and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Live (2005).
Specs: 208 pages, 5.5 x 8.5”; paper; perfect bound, 4-colour cover
Topic: Current History / Economics
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1655-6
Price: CHF 19.00; £14.00; €1400; $19.00
Order:,,, and at local bookstores and online booksellers.
Click here to download the table of contents, introduction and chapter 1 (pdf)