A Light to the Nations.
Specs: 272 pages, 6 x 9”, paper, perfect bound, 4-colour cover
Topic: World Christianity / Christian Theology
ISBN 978-2-8254-1670-9
Price: CHF 29.00; £20.00; €20.00; $25.00;
Rights: World, all languages
Click here to download the table of contents and introduction
Long needed, this volume discusses some of the most important people, movements and institutions of Indian origin that were trend-setters and even decisive in the ecumenical movement.
Profiles of the lives and especially the work of key leaders from the Indian subcontinent, from V. S. Azariah at the 1910 Edinburgh gathering to Ninan Koshy’s leadership of the Commission on International Affairs, offer insight not just to the Indian contexts that informed them but also the new dynamics at work in the global movement.
As the ecumenical movement enters its second century, it is plain that the role of Indian thinkers and church persons has been instrumental in decentering and decolonizing ecumenism, enabling the movement to confront and address its Western and colonialist roots. As Athyal observes in his substantive and truly informative introductory essay, it is a story that touches all aspects of the rapidly changing shape of world Christianity.
Jesudas M. Athyal is Visiting Researcher at Boston University School of Theology, Boston, USA. He was earlier Associate Professor of Social Analysis and Dalit Theology at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, Chennai. India.