Holy God, in the land where your Son Jesus lived, died, and rose again, all the children of Abraham cry to you in pain and grief. Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike long to worship and praise you in the places you have made sacred through your presence. Give courage to Palestinian Christians and Muslims as they seek access to places of prayer and worship in freedom and safety. Soften the hearts of those who act in hatred against others on the basis of religion. Fulfill your promise spoken through Isaiah, that your house shall be a house of prayer for all nations. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
God of resurrection, you gave us the cross and empty tomb as symbols of the good news: in Jesus the power of sin, evil, and death are swallowed up by life. Comfort all who mourn—in the green hills of Jerusalem, behind concrete walls and checkpoints in the West Bank, and in the rubble of Gaza. Bring violence to an end, and lead politicians and powers beyond self-interest to compassion for the children made in your image. End the occupation of the Palestinian people and make a way for their self-determination, so that, like the first Easter, this land may see a new day and witness resurrection life beyond death. In the name of your risen One, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, when suffering and injustice seem unending, we pray for Sumud — the steadfast endurance and resilience that we find in you. As Jesus maintained his faith even unto death on a cross, strengthen the faith of all those in Palestine and Israel, and around the world, who wait and pray and work for the justice that is the root of true peace. Accompany farmers and herders, artists and artisans, providers of hospitality, teachers and thinkers, social aid providers, priests and pastors, and all who seek to serve you and their neighbors in daily acts of hope and faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*Rev. Meghan Johnston Aelabouni is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, living and working in the Holy Land
This material was produced as part of the 2024 Easter Initiative of the World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI). As we witness violence and injustice in the Holy Land and the struggle of its peoples to find peace, the 2024 WCC-EAPPI Easter initiative lifts up the call to roll away the heavy stone of violence, war and occupation, pain and suffering, and to remind the world of what is needed to bring about peace, to transform swords into ploughshares.