We give thanks for:
- the rich legacies that this area has long embodied
- those who kept both the people and their faith alive during years of repression
- those pursuing peace and reconciliation between the different ethnic and religious groups
- the resurgence of the ecumenical witness of churches in recent years.
We pray for:
- a continual healing of historic memories and pains that have been mutually inflicted
- those who continue to experience marginalization and injustice, especially the Roma
- religion to be a means of healing rather than of further separation and exploitation
- the nurturing and sustaining of pluralistic societies in the Balkans.
Prayer before the proclamation of God’s word
Lord God, enlighten us through your word so that we can discover the needs of the people around us.
You are God, the Almighty, and we thank you that like a Father you protect us and through your divine mercy and love you create living space for us and for every single person.
We ask you especially to show mercy to our nation. Enlighten us through your divine Spirit and create in the hearts of the people interest in your word.
And in this time of crisis and challenges give wisdom from above so that we stay true to your word so that we can respond to the different needs - in both the spiritual and physical aspects.
God, watch over us, because of the mercy and love of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
(Rev. Mihail Cekov)
Litany of unity
Let us ask God for the gift of unity:
God, our Father, who has created all things,
we are your children.
It is your will that we live together in peace
and stand by one another as sisters and brothers.
Your will be done.
Jesus Christ, Son of God,
you have prayed for the unity of all who are baptized in your name,
who believe in you and confess your name.
Is it your will, that the Church, your body, be one.
Your will be done.
Holy Spirit of God,
you have filled the Apostles with the fire of courage
to proclaim the Good News.
It is your will that we proclaim with one voice the great deeds of God
and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Your will be done.
(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1986, Slovenia)
May we love you
Set our hearts on fire with love for you,
O Christ, our God,
that in its flame we may love you
with all our heart, with all our mind,
with all our soul and with all our strength,
and love our neighbours as ourselves,
so that by keeping your commandments
we may glorify you,
the giver of all good gifts.
(Mother Teresa, Macedonia, TPP, p. 227.)