We are thankful for:
- Christians and Muslims who take risks to work for dialogue and reconciliation, and people of disparate ethnic groups who strive together for the common good
- churches who have been faithful in spreading the Good News, serving the people and pursuing justice in these societies
- economic growth from natural resources, where it benefits all people – and especially the poor – in these nations
- how people, especially in Nigeria, have been sustained by God in the face of attacks and violence in the context of the movement of population groups and from extremist elements like Boko Haram.
We pray for:
- those affected by violence and terrorism, and that such violent attacks might cease
- leaders of churches, that they might speak out courageously against political, social and economic injustices
- Just and peaceful relations between members of different ethnic groups and between Muslims and Christians
- Those who suffer from malnutrition and diseases such as malaria, whooping cough and HIV and AIDS
- Better stewardship of the environment and natural resources.
O God,
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
set our hearts on fire with a new love for Christ and for one another.
Renew our desires and labours to serve others.
We seek healing from division, poverty and injustice
in all parts of the world.
We long for life which is full and free.
Give us the courage to take risks to build a highway in the desert
and let us find protection under the shadow of your wings.
(© 2002 Abigail Ogunsanya, Nigeria)
We offer you, O Ruler of men and women and of heavenly beings, the gold of our costly service. Take the labour of our hands, the skill of our minds, the power of our organization. Purge us of pride, and stir us from sloth, that we, being refined by your grace, may become better servants of your kingdom, now and hereafter.
We offer to you, our Lord and our God, the incense of our worship and our prayer. By the gift of your Holy Spirit, you have hung forth a star in the lowly heaven of every Christian soul; grant us eager feet to follow wherever it leads, until our searching souls are blessed with the vision of yourself, who are our heaven and our home, forever.
We offer to you, O Man of sorrows, the myrrh of your church’s sufferings. When we have nothing else to give, this offering remains. Where you are on the cross, there also may your servants be. May your perfect sacrifice avail to make our light affliction redemptive in the world, that sharing the fellowship of your sufferings we may rejoice in the power of your resurrection, now and forever.
(From the Assembly of the International Missionary Society, Ghana. In: “With All God’s People”.)
Prayer for unity
We invoke you, Spirit of Unity,
Transform our divisions and reshape our vision.
All of creation, all living beings, cry in the midst of injustice and brokenness.
Spirit of Unity, reconcile your people.
We invoke you, Spirit of Unity,
Heal the wounds of our history,
Remove from us all that sustains our present divisions.
Unstop our ears to hear your call for unity.
(© Mercy Oduyoye, Ghana. We Would Be One, Institute of Women in Religion and Culture, Accra, Ghana.)