We are thankful for:
- the long centuries of Christian history in Ethiopia and Eritrea
- the current witness and work of Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical churches amid difficult circumstances
- those who have provided humanitarian aid, especially during times of drought and hunger
- those who have worked for peaceful relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
We pray for:
- victims of human rights abuses
- greater understanding and respect among the many ethnic groups
- lasting peace and reconciliation between Ethiopia and Eritrea
- the emergence of more democratic governance that respects human rights and furthers justice for all ethnic groups and minorities.
Prayer of St Dionysius (818)
O God Eternal, good beyond all that is good, fair beyond all that is fair, in
whom is calmness and peace: reconcile the differences which divide us
from one another and bring us back into the unity of love which may bear
some likeness to your divine nature. Grant that we may be spiritually one,
both within ourselves and with one another, through the grace, mercy and
tenderness of your son, Jesus Christ.
(A Chain of Prayer across the Ages, comp. Selina Fitzherbert Fox, John Murray, London, UK, 6th ed., 1941.)
Prayer from Eritrea
Thank you, dear Jesus,
for being a good shepherd to all believers.
When we are lost from your flock,
you never sleep until you bring us back,
and there is rejoicing in heaven and on earth.
Our daily shepherd, our defender, our protector,
thank you for keeping us from all evil,
from fearful, harmful things
and for preserving us from all unbelief.
In your name we pray.
(© 2005 Ghirmaleoul Nemariam.)
Call to prayer in the morning
Priest: The grace of God be with you.
People: And with your spirit.
Priest: Let us glorify our God.
People: It is right, it is just.
Priest: Strengthen the thought of your heart.
People: We lift them unto the Lord our God,
Our Father who art in heaven,
Our Father who art in heaven,
Our Father who art in heaven,
lead us not into temptation.
Oh we thank you, Oh Lord. Amen.
(From the Holy Liturgy of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church)