We are thankful for:
- the spectacular beauty of the changing landscape of forests, lakes, mountains and glaciers
- churches that are advocating and implementing measures to redress climate change that is dramatic here and throughout the world
- those who have opened their doors and hearts to people migrating to these lands
- the support for justice, peace and interfaith work that comes from these countries.
We pray for:
- the poor and marginalized who struggle in these rich countries
- personal and investment practices that support environmental sustainability
- growing openness to becoming more multi-ethnic, multi-faith societies
- those who are affluent that they will contribute to making the world and their societies more just for all.
- a Church that is prepared to be a voice in the struggle for indigenous people rights.
Heaven in the soles of my feet
Father, Son and Spirit
your name is more than one and three.
You are who you are
and the one who is
always more than the sum of all the numbers.
You are body
impossible to pin down
and at the same time I see you in my neighbor's hand and eyes.
Yes, I feel you in the wind.
You are the forest dove and the pheasant,
the burning bush and the fruit box from Gaza,
you are my surfboard and my ancestors’ rod and staff.
You are the heaven in the soles of my feet
and the one that gives the crust of the earth its smooth layer.
You are the golden plover of paradise.
With your son as captain
and with the winds from the west
we sail off into your lake
against your Himmelbjerg*, heavenly mountain.
*Himmelbjerget (The Sky Mountain) is a 147 meters mountain and is one of the highest points in Denmark.
(by Bishop Elof Westergaard, Denmark; English translation by Kari Veiteberg)
A prayer for the time of climate change
Dear Heavenly Father,
we bring before you our despair about climate change.
It feels so bad, when so many forms of life are threatened,
but still the nations are not able to work together to alleviate the problem.
O Lord, help humankind to choose a better road, so we could find peace!
Thank you for your promise to be with us, no matter what.
Thank you for all the gifts that you give to your world
through air, wind and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for nourishment, power and joy.
Let your Holy Spirit flow strongly in us and in your world.
In the name of Jesus.
(Panu Pihkala, Finland, from Luontokirkkovuosi (LK-kirjat, 2013))
Sending forth
Go in haste!
Never stop walking out of the church room,
out from peace and tranquility, into the noise and discomfort,
out, to laughter and tears.
Carry with you the living bread,
as a treasure in your hands and your heart .
Share it over and over again.
It will always be enough, as long as you continue to break it.
Never stop coming back to this place!
Never arrive empty-handed.
Bring with you the cry that is pressing just behind your lips.
Let it be heard in this room.
Bring with you the hunger that is never stilled,
the fight that is not yet won.
Bring someone who has always been at your side without you knowing it.
Here is the meeting place - in the light of God's face .
(Hans Olav Moerk, Norway; English translation Kari Veiteberg, from the worship at the Church City Mission in Oslo)
on the earth
our beautiful blue planet
our home in Cosmos.
on all good will
every act
in candour and love.
on the light
in human hearts.
May it grow strong
embrace the darkness
bring peace
and reconciliation.
(© 2012 Margareta Melin, Sweden)