We are thankful for:
- those who have remained in these countries through years of conflict and oppression
- Christians who bear witness in the region even though they are small in number
- the many who have provided for humanitarian assistance and peace-building
- refugees from these countries who are enriching the societies in which they now have made their home.
We pray for:
- those who continue to bear physical and emotional scars from years of conflict
- victims of monsoons and other disasters in the region
- economic development to improve life for all people and the environment
- political stability amid competing powers.
We remember, O Lord,
those who suffer from any kind of discrimination,
your children, and our brothers and sisters,
who are humiliated and oppressed.
We pray for those who are denied fundamental human rights,
for those who are imprisoned,
and especially those who are tortured.
Our thoughts rest a few moments with them…
And we pray that your love and compassion may sustain them always.
(Vietnam, Week of Prayer for World Peace. WAGP p.203.)