We are thankful for:
- the abundant natural resources in the DRC and the mountainous beauty of Rwanda
- those who have worked for healing and reconciliation in Rwanda, especially after the genocide
- the tireless efforts of churches and community organizations, working with the support of humanitarian organizations, to improve the living conditions of the people
We pray for:
- an end to poverty and hunger, and improved access to health services, especially for the young, that they might have hope for their future
- an end to rebel movements across borders and the political instability this stirs up
- just economic development that does not exploit Creation and people
- democratic election of less corrupt governments that work for the sake of all.
Lord, you call on us to pray for our enemies.
Have mercy on those who are disposed to do us evil
and who divide your church.
Deliver us, Lord, from every temptation.
Have mercy on our lack of belief and our wavering faith
as we travel the path towards the unity of your people.
You are our God and we want always to be your people
under the guidance of your Holy Spirit.
(Prayer by the group from Zaire who prepared for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1993)
O God,
the source of our belonging to one another,
none of us can give anything to our sisters and brothers
if we have not first of all belonged to you;
give us your Spirit in the bond of perfect unity
so that the Spirit may transform us into a new humanity,
free and united in your love,
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end.
(New Roman Missal, Democratic Republic of Congo)
A Prayer from the Bishop of Kigali, Anglican Church of Rwanda
Heavenly Father,
we thank you for your love and that it is your will that human kind should live together in peace and harmony, reflecting your loving nature. We humbly come before you praying for the church of Rwanda and the worldwide church, for wisdom, understanding, love and courage as we take part in the journey of eradicating sexual violence.
We pray that the church may continue to be a safe place and shelter where survivors may find refuge and experience God’s love and healing in the midst of hurt and pain. We pray for the survivors of sexual violence all over the world, those who were raped, mistreated and abused in various ways, especially women and children. May your healing and comforting hand be upon them always.
You are our hope, comforter, healer and redeemer and you never ignore the cry of your children.
We pray for our leaders - from our President right to our local leaders, that you continue to give them wisdom and guidance, so that they continue to be your instruments of peace and justice in the work they do for our nation.
We thank you for all that you are doing and what you are going to do.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray.
(As published in the We Will Speak Out Coalition's resource for prayer, reflection & action during 16 Days)