The WCC is committed to the safety and well-being of all children. The WCC takes its duty of care seriously and will aim at all times to provide the safest possible environment for children. This will be achieved by identifying and managing risks that may lead to harm, and dealing immediately with concerns and reports if they arise. This policy creates clear standards for the WCC as an organisation and for the behaviour of staff and others.
Adherence to the WCC’s Child Safeguarding Policy and its Child Safe Code of Conduct is a mandatory requirement for all staff, volunteers, consultants, interns, contractors, representatives, partners and those invited by the WCC to visit projects (hereafter referred to as staff and others) serving programmes in which interactions with children may take place (such as, but not limited to, EAA, EAPPI, EDAN, EHAIA, EWN, Indigenous Peoples, Child Rights, etc.).

WCC Child Safeguarding card