A) Membership of Governing Bodies (GEN NOM 02)
- Central committee
- Executive committee
- Permanent Committee on consensus and collaboration
B) Report of the Executive Committee (GEN 02)
C) Staffing Matters
By-Laws of Consultative Bodies (GEN NOM 04)
- Proposed Revision of Faith and Order By-Laws
- Proposed revision of CCIA By-laws
- CWME By-Laws
- Membership in consultative bodies
D) Report of the Audit Committee (GEN 09)
E) Membership of Consultative Bodies (GEN NOM 03)
- Leadership
- Membership
F) Constitutional Matters (GEN NOM 05)
Appendix I – Membership of Governing Bodies
Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration (PCCC)
Appendix II – Proposed changes to 2006 version of CCIA by-law
Appendix III – Membership of Consultative Bodies
- Faith and Order (F&O)
- Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME)
- Education and Ecumenical Formation (EEF)
- Commission of the Churches in International Affairs (CCIA)
- ECHOS Commission on Youth
- Joint Working Group between the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church
- Joint Consultative Group between the WCC and Pentecostal Churches