A) Membership of Governing Bodies (GEN NOM 02)

  1. Central committee
  2. Executive committee
  3. Permanent Committee on consensus and collaboration

B) Report of the Executive Committee (GEN 02)

C) Staffing Matters

By-Laws of Consultative Bodies (GEN NOM 04)

  1. Proposed Revision of Faith and Order By-Laws
  2. Proposed revision of CCIA By-laws
  3. CWME By-Laws
  4. Membership in consultative bodies

D) Report of the Audit Committee (GEN 09)

E) Membership of Consultative Bodies (GEN NOM 03)

  1. Leadership
  2. Membership

F) Constitutional Matters (GEN NOM 05)

Appendix I – Membership of Governing Bodies

Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration (PCCC)

Appendix II – Proposed changes to 2006 version of CCIA by-law

Appendix III – Membership of Consultative Bodies

  • Faith and Order (F&O)
  • Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME)
  • Education and Ecumenical Formation (EEF)
  • Commission of the Churches in International Affairs (CCIA)
  • ECHOS Commission on Youth
  • Joint Working Group between the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church
  • Joint Consultative Group between the WCC and Pentecostal Churches