Geneva, 2 October 2023
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all.
Gal. 6:9-10
On behalf of the full, worldwide fellowship of Christian churches united in the WCC, I send our hearty congratulations to you, the women of the CSI Women’s Fellowship in the Madhya Kerala Diocese, on the occasion of your platinum jubilee!
Indeed, this year, in a harmonic convergence of CSI women’s service movements in the Kerala region, your gathering can rejoice in a “Celebration of Celebrations,” marking with gratitude, pride, and satisfaction not only 75 years of the women’s fellowship but also 125 years of its pioneer publication, Kudumba Priyavaadini, and 25 years of Asha Bhavan, the fellowship’s school for children with special needs. The school itself is a bright symbol of the aims and accomplishments of the women of CSI and of Christian diaconal discipleship generally: service that transforms lives also transforms us who serve.
Individually and together, as Christians we must always ask: where am I most needed? How can I best bring about impactful social change and human dignity in my particular situation? Where am I called to serve? For 75 years the CSI MKD WF has answered that call through incessant prayer, witness, and service, thereby continuing the work and legacy of its predecessor movements and always evolving through decades of massive social change to make a concrete difference in the lives and well-being of women and girls in and beyond the diocese.
Your ongoing dedication and service, as CSI women working in fellowship, is an inspiration to the whole oikoumene and aptly illustrates how, indeed, Christ’s love moves us all to unity, justice, and reconciliation.
May your Celebration of Celebrations enrich your fellowship, deepen your commitment, and fuel your future creative efforts on behalf of women and girls in South India!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay
General Secretary
World Council of Churches