“Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”—1 Cor 16:13
My sisters and brothers in Christ, I am delighted and privileged to join you this morning for worship and to experience firsthand our bond in the spirit of Pentecost, which we so recently celebrated. With the whole global fellowship of churches gathered in the World Council of Churches, I bring you special greetings from your friends and colleagues in the council and among our member churches.
The WCC, as perhaps you know, unites in fellowship 352 different and diverse churches and church bodies. We see ourselves as on a sacred journey, a Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity. These are our hallmarks, and I think they also capture the aims and commitments of China’s churches and congregations today. On that journey, each and all of us, every day, discerns the way forward in our particular context and circumstances, to find and practice an authentic Christian faith and witness for our times. Like you, we toil to do right as faithful Christians and servants of the common good.
We in the WCC prize your ecumenical spirit and your participation in the wider ecumenical movement, now for more than 30 years. We were delighted that you sent a high-level delegation from the China Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement to participate so substantively in our most recent WCC assembly, held in Germany in late 2022. And we appreciate the ongoing participation and contributions of Ms. Gu Jingqin and Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong to our central committee and Dr. Lin to our executive committee.
We also praise your patient, conscientious, and diligent efforts to frame authentic Christian commitment in the Chinese context. Your support for deep historical and theological research, for theological education, and for ongoing dialogue with other religious traditions are so important. They help us all to understand the cultural context of Christianity in China. They also ensure your continued positive contribution to the lives and well-being of Christians—who love their country and their faith—and indeed to all society.
To me, this is the work of the same Spirit who descended on those first followers of Jesus on Pentecost. God’s Spirit is with us still. Today we seek renewal in that Spirit to tear down the walls that divide, to heal the wounds of war and injustice, to help us to replace hatred by love, violence by dialogue, and self-centeredness by mutual acceptance. We pray, Spirit of God, make us instruments of justice, apostles of peace, and messengers of life.
So, my sisters and brothers in the Spirit, I humbly thank you for your hospitality today and for our work together as disciples of Jesus. And I pray for your remaining steadfast in faith, resilient in hope, and always eager to serve the Lord through your love for all the people of China.
Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay
General secretary
World Council of Churches