Protestant Council of Rwanda
Basis: To be a member a church must accept the holy scriptures as the authoritative word of God, and the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds as the common and principal expression of the Christian faith. It must accept that Jesus Christ is God, that his death and resurrection are the basis of our salvation, by the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and accept salvation by grace, through the confession of sins and believing that only the blood of Jesus Christ can purify us from all sin.
Vision and mission statement: The vision of CPR is to work for a Rwanda where all people live in unity, justice, peace and prosperity, in obedience to God and at peace with one another. The mission of the Protestant Council of Rwanda is to promote the unity of action and vision of Christian churches in Rwanda (John 17.21) for the evangelistic witness and for the well-being of the Rwandan population.