“You meet at a time of particular pain for Europe—and indeed the world,” wrote Pillay. “All the more reason, then, to come together in faith. The world needs you, your youth and vision, your truth-telling and readiness to embrace life and serve humanity.”
In these days of challenge, someone must stand up for hope, Pillay reflected. “Let it be you! God desires it, Christ inspires it, and the Spirit enables it,” he said. “We at the World Council of Churches join your pilgrimage to our own. We will walk together. We will pray together. We will work together for justice, peace, and reconciliation.”
Pillay concluded with a prayer for the gathering. “May Ljubljana be for each of you the next step in your sacred journey of faith. May you find there the joys of community, the assurance of God’s loving presence, and the courage to continue seeking authenticity in your own lives and justice for all humanity.”
WCC greetings to the 2023 Taizé Youth Gathering in Ljubljana, Slovenia