“For me, this experience is the one big source of hope in this world struck by division, polarization, injustice, and violence,” he said. “In addition to ongoing global economic and ecological injustices and in addition to the war following the Russian invasion in Ukraine, we are now witnessing an outbreak of violence in the Middle East, which generates terrible human suffering on both sides every day and has led to a deepening of global polarization.”
He also noted that this polarization is fired up by a propaganda war, which makes it more and more difficult to discern fake news from facts. “The ecumenical movement must be a counterforce to these forces of divisiveness,” he said. “We have committed ourselves to engage in a Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.”
We are all shaped by our own contexts, he noted. “Of course we bring with us the struggles of our peoples,” he said. “And sometimes we find ourselves on different sides in these struggles and yet are connected in our common faith in Jesus Christ.”
The WCC executive committee is meeting to to approve plans and a budget for 2024, and to further develop the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.
The WCC governing body will also monitor 2023 and the implementation of WCC strategies.
Moderator's address at the WCC executive committee in Abuja, Nigeria