People dressed in different clothes, some recognizable as from different religions, pictured walking up a cobbled stone street in the evening.

File photo: People pictured walking along one of the streets in the Old City in East Jerusalem. 


Produced under the EU-sponsored project “Maintaining a Lively Palestinian and Bedouin Presence in East Jerusalem Through Protective Presence, Monitoring, Documenting, and Advocacy,” the document covers data assembled as of 11 September 2024, and “reveals a bleak picture of poverty among the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem,” as is noted in the document. 

It is also observed that “facts and figures about the demographics of East Jerusalem are useful from a developmental perspective, in that they help churches, governments as well as non-governmental organizations, and the United Nations, to ensure that the needs of Palestinians are addressed in the various sectors including economic opportunity, housing, and education.”

Read in full: Fact sheet - Demographics of East Jerusalem (October 2024)