
Fishers dragging their boat ashore on Sri Lanka's coastline. 


WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, who visited Sri Lanka in April 2023, expressed his  support for the ongoing efforts of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka to uphold human rights in the nation. 

Your global ecumenical family is standing with you as you work to uphold the rights and responsibilities of people in Sri Lanka,” said Pillay. We welcome the Supreme Court decision, and we pray for your strength and prophetic voice as you continue calling for a just legal system and a life with dignity for all.” 

The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, in a statement on 16 July, noted that regular, free, and fair elections are a crucial feature of a democratic society.

This requires the people to be informed about the political and economic crisis facing the country and to critically assess the parties and the candidates seeking election at the presidential and parliamentary elections that are likely to follow,” the statement reads. This is an essential feature for a constitutional, multi-party democracy.”

The statement cites the economic mismanagement that has plagued the country in recent years, the corrosive corruption, and the expenditure on vanity projects" that lack any economic justification.

We note that in the past most presidential candidates in successive elections have promised to abolish the executive presidency during their election campaigns, but conveniently ignored this once elected to office,” the statement reads. It is also of paramount importance for all presidential candidates to declare their positions and policies on crucial matters affecting the country.”

Statement of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka on the Forthcoming Presidential Election