Applications are open to young people for participation in a June 2020 World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Continuing Formation seminar. To be held in Tonga, the seminar will focus on transformative masculinity and femininity.
The deadline for applications is 20 March.
"The Pacific Conference of Churches 2018 Youth Pre-Assembly identified climate justice, mental health, unemployment, gender-based violence, youth-empowerment and substance abuse as key issues of concern. In 2019, our Regional National Council of Churches roundtable resolved that Tonga would be our focus country for youth issues,” said Rev. James Bhagwan, Pacific Conference of Churches general secretary.
Applicants must demonstrate an active participation in spiritual life, patience, ability to work with people from other countries and cultures, and willingness to work together as a team. They will be expected to produce a Call to Action statement from the seminar, which will be shared within and outside the WCC network.
The Ecumenical Continuing Formation seminar will include an integration with the National Tongan youth assembly, which draws 2,000 young people.
“Facilitating a space with Pacific and indigenous youth in Tonga at the time of their youth assembly affords an opportunity for solidarity and accompaniment on the key issues identified by the region—that also resonates among young people across the globe,” said Joy Eva Bohol, WCC programme executive for Youth Engagement.
Click here to download the Guidelines and Application form
Click here to download the Ecumenical Continuing Formation on Youth Concept Paper