WCC staff with KAICIID delegation

A delegation from the KAICIID Dialogue Centre visited the World Council of Churches to explore areas of common interest and possible cooperation, 22 October, Geneva, Photo: Gloria Koymans/WCC

The KAICIID delegation comprised Vera Leal Ferreira, chief of the Regional Programme and Oversight Section, and Teresa Albano, senior programme manager of the Europe Region Programme.

Discussions focused on key opportunities for interaction and cooperation between WCC and KAICIID, including KAICIIDs annual European Policy Dialogue Forum – the next edition of which, on 11-12 November, will focus on key challenges to social cohesion in Europe – as well as WCCs planned activities in 2025 in relation to Nicaea 1700 and the centenary of the Stockholm Life and Work Conference. 

WCC staff expressed keen interest in KAICIID initiatives such as Cities for Inclusion” workshops, the youth-focused Catalysts for Cohesion” initiative, and KAICIIDUniversity Talks.”

The KAICIID Europe Region Programme addresses polarization and divisions through interreligious and intercultural dialogue, fostering cohesive, equitable, and inclusive communities, harnessing the role of religious leaders and actors in cooperation with secular institutions to promote equity, anti-discrimination, and climate justice.

Peter Prove, WCC director of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, remarked on the convergence of interests apparent in the exchange. It is clear that our respective priorities and methods are closely aligned. I believe that closer collaboration with an intergovernmental organization like KAICIID will enhance WCCs own activities, as well as contributing meaningfully to KAICIIDs work.”

The discussion also focused on addressing hate speech, intergenerational dialogue, empowering youth and women, and inclusion of refugees and migrants.

Prof. Dr Angeliki Ziaka, WCC programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, highlighted the WCCs programmes in interreligious dialogue. In this context, she found KAICIID's initiatives interesting, particularly in addressing the local dynamics of various European countries. She noted that "interreligious and intercultural formation among young people is crucial to fostering more inclusive societies committed to promoting solidarity.”

Synergies between WCC and KAICIID activities in the field of formation and engagement of young people in inter-religious dialogue and cooperation is likely to be a particular area for further exploration.


Learn more about the WCC interreligious work

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)

Current Dialogue - World Council of Churches’ journal on interreligious dialogue

Learn more about the WCC work on "Human dignity and rights"

WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs