People of all faiths praying, Interfaith vigil held at George Square on the opening day of the United Nations climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow, Photo: Albin Hillert/Life on Earth pictures

Interfaith vigil held at George Square on the opening day of the United Nations climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow, Photo: Albin Hillert/Life on Earth pictures

The meeting was grounded by the reality that religion is increasingly implicated in all the conflicts worldwide, reflected Dr Elias El Halabi, associate professor and director of Sheikh Nahyan Center for Arabic Studies & Intercultural Dialogue as well as chairperson of the Christian Muslim Studies Center at the University of Balamand, El Koura, Lebanon. 

Halabi moderated the discussion.

Dialogue is the only answer and the best cure to all the violence committed in the name of religion,” said Halabi, adding that the reference group with its diverse membership has a crucial role to play in advocating for interfaith dialogue as a sign of hope and a witness to Gods unconditional love for all human kind. 

Striving for peace with justice is a tangible commitment by all people of faith and good will to the God of love and mercy,” he said. The online gathering is an opportunity to discover the rich expertise that each member brings to the group.”

The reference group was able to shed light on the various endeavors in the field of interfaith work at local or regional levels. 

Rev. Dr Kuzipa Nalwamba, WCC programme director for Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Formation, referred to the strategic aim of the reference group: to work for bilateral and multi-lateral dialogue with partners of other faiths at international level, to facilitate interreligious partnerships in all areas of work of the WCC, and to contribute to the conceptual horizon of interpreting the meaning of oikoumene today by creating and maintaining trust as a prerequisite to, and ongoing need for, interreligious solidarity in a world that is ambivalent about the role of religion in society.”

A part of the WCC Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation Reference Group in their first online meeting, October 2024, Photo: WCC

A part of the WCC Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation Reference Group in their first online meeting, October 2024, Photo: WCC

Prof. Angeliki Ziaka, WCC programme executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, welcomed all participants and emphasized the importance of including members of other faiths in the reference group. 

“I commend the deep expertise of each member of this group in interreligious dialogue," she said. " As we move forward, there are steps to be taken to continue what has already been achieved, thanks to the work of our predecessors. Together, we will work on new initiatives that prioritize interreligious understanding and cooperation. Your insights and expertise are vital in advancing a shared vision of dialogue and peace.”

The reference group affirmed the importance of continuing the interreligious engagement of the WCC and the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue; the YATRA interreligious formation programme for young people, a programme initiated by the WCC in collaboration with the Christian Conference of Asia; and of supporting Current Dialogue, the journal that disseminates the WCC's interreligious work offering a platform for debate to those who want to build bridges across religious divides and to their partners of different faiths.

The group agreed to meet online three times a year to ensure ongoing communication and collaboration, and to meet in-person once a year in one of the countries represented by the reference group members with the aim of fostering stronger relationships and deeper engagement.


Learn more about the WCC interreligious work

Current Dialogue - World Council of Churches’ journal on interreligious dialogue

"WCC, KAICIID explore areas of cooperation" (WCC news release, 23 October 2024)