As the group visited Bossey, conducted internal meetings, and met with the WCC staff leadership group, conversations centered on the past, present, and future of the ecumenical movement.
The group also visited the Norwegian Delegation to the United Nations before traveling to the Ecumenical Centre.
Very Rev. Kristine Sandmæl, moderator of the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, said that it was important for the newly-elected council to meet and learn about ecumenical organizations in person.
“Once in every election period we arrange one of our meetings in Geneva, combining it with a visit to the WCC, Lutheran World Federation, ACT Alliance, and other institutions,” she said. “I think the highlight was a meeting with representatives from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and our ambassador, a visit arranged by one of our council members.”
Sandmæl said she was encouraged to implement some of the strategies of the WCC in local and national church work, and that she has a renewed faith in the ecumenical project.
Rev. Helge S. Gaard, general secretary of the Norwegian Missionary Society, representing mission organizations in Norway in the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, said it was good to get to meet the leadership of the WCC and the Lutheran World Federation.
“I got a kind of picture of what you are doing, not just reading on the internet,” said Gaard. "That’s very important.”
Gaard added that the visit strengthened a belief in church unity. “We are working together with churches all around the world,” said Gaard. “I believe in the worldwide church and it made a good impression on me.”