“God uses a number of instruments to reach and transform the world, including and especially the church,” added Pillay. “Christians need to stand up for justice and we need to stand together. In unity is our strength.
“Together we can live and fulfil God’s vision for the world. Together! Christian unity matters.”
Pillay went on to stress that the church is called to constantly work towards forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity, “bearing in mind its agency in transforming society so that all may have the fullness of life,” said the WCC general secretary.
The long-delayed UMC General Conference began 23 April under the theme “…and know that I am God.” The conference typically gathers every four years. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the assembly could not meet in 2020.
Delegates from Africa, Europe, Asia, and the US are attending the 11-day gathering, which attracts as many as 7,500 people. Delegates, elected from around the world, are gathered to set policy and direction for the church, as well as handle other important business.
After attending the UMC General Conference in North Carolina, Pillay continues his agenda in the US in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where on 1 May, he will meet Dr William M. Wilson, chairman of the Pentecostal World Fellowship and president of Oral Roberts University.
Read the full sermon by Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay

Ecumenical and Methodist partners gather with United Methodist Bishop Sally Dyck (third from left) on the stage of the 2024 United Methodist General Conference in Charlotte, N.C.