A group of women hold out their open hands to receive holy communion as Sunday service is celebrated in the Eastleigh congregation of the Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nairobi, Kenya, 2023, Photo: Albin Hillert/Life on Earth Pictures

A group of women hold out their open hands to receive holy communion as Sunday service is celebrated in the Eastleigh congregation of the Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nairobi, Kenya, 2023, Photo: Albin Hillert/Life on Earth Pictures

In addition to building community and setting the gathering in the African context, the commission plans to harvest what commissioners are naming as key issues to address from their contexts. 

Returning to Africa to start its work, the commission intends to draw on the ideas and spirit of the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha, Tanzania in 2018, and be inspired again by the witness of African churches and Christians. 

The All Africa Conference of Churches will host the meeting. 

The commission will also focus on the WCC Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network, as well as its agenda for the coming eight years, especially from the understanding of decolonizing discipleship. 

The theme will challenge the commission to root its work in the coming new creation not in the prevailing colonial powers. Biblically, this can be seen in Isaiah's vision of a way out of exile, the commission to John the Baptist to lead people in the paths to peace, Jesus's call to put the first last, and Paul's vision of being new creation in Christ.

The commission will also set out towards the next mission conference in 2028.


WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism celebrates inauguration, (WCC news release, March 2024)

WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism

Learn more about the WCC work on Mission and Evangelism

Mission from the Margins

Video interview, Rev. Dr Peter Cruchley, director of the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism