2024 Right Livelihood press conference

Right Livelihood's executive director Ole von Uexkull announcing the 2024 Right Livelihood Laureates, Stockholm, 3 October 2024.


Joan Carling (Philippines) is recognized for her work defending the rights of Indigenous peoples over 30 years. Spanning grassroots to international levels, her activities focus on human rights, sustainable development, climate justice, the fight against land exploitation, and combating the systemic marginalisation and criminalisation of Indigenous communities.

Issa Amro (Palestine), the founder of Youth Against Settlements, is a leading Palestinian human rights activist and proponent of nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation as the only way to achieve justice and peace for the Palestinian people. 

Anabela Lemos (Mozambique) is an environmental activist and director of Justiça Ambiental! (JA!), an organisation committed to environmental justice in Mozambique. For over 20 years, Lemos and JA! have fought corporate-led projects that displace communities, damage livelihoods, and intensify climate change. 

Forensic Architecture (UK), based at the University of London, is a research agency dedicated to uncovering and documenting the truth about environmental and human rights violations using cutting-edge open-source investigation and digital modelling techniques, which has pioneered the development of new methodologies that combine technology with human rights advocacy.

The World Council of Churches celebrates the courage and commitment of these laureates who embody the search for justice, peace, and sustainability in contexts of marginalization and discrimination, occupation and violence, environmental degradation and the unsustainable exploitation of fossil fuel resources, and lack of accountability to the rule of law,” said Peter Prove, director of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs. We recognize that, in addition to their own efforts and achievements, they represent a vast cloud of advocates and actors who determinedly swim against the prevailing tide of escalating conflict, violations of human rights, and an accelerating global crisis of climate change and environmental injustice.”

Their commitment is an example and inspiration to all, added Prove. The WCC and the international ecumenical movement stands with and joins them in their struggles for justice, for peace, and for sustainability for all.”

Learn more about the 2024 Right Livelihood Laureates