Icon at the EC Chapel

The book continues the co-publication series between the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Globethics, but it also includes a broader collaboration with the University of Hamburg.

Prof. Dr Fernando Enns from the Center for Peace Church Theology at the university described why they wanted to be involved in translating this publication: “Transformation is needed—in many regards, if we want justice and peace, also with mother nature. For this, being grounded in a deep spirituality is necessary in order to be persistent and creative. Transformative Spiritualitäten für den Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens is a significant contribution to the ongoing Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity of the World Council of Churches.”

Dr Ignace Haas, managing editor of Globethics, noted that the publication addresses a key subject of concern: peace. “Globethics has peace as a strategic priority and welcomes original works on a concept which deserves our attention.”

In the introduction, editors Enns, Upolu Lumā Vaai, Andrés Pacheco Lozano, and Betty Pries describe their journey in collecting the inspiring texts:

They are as diverse as our different spiritualities, coming from different regions and cultures, representing different faith traditions and Christian denominations, as well as different genders and ethnicities,” the introduction reads. “All the contributors were invited to choose their own content focus, their own style of writing, and their specific way of expression, which might be narrative, descriptive, intuitive, theological, biblical, or historical.

Enns explained that the process started when students from the Center for Peace Church Theology (University of Hamburg) realized the need to translate the book into German after having studied the text in classes.

More information and a link to download the publication from the Globethics