
On 06 July 2023, Ambassador Ibrahim Khreisheh, Representatives of the State of Palestine Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Dr Omar Awadallah, Assistant minister for United Nations and Specialized Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine and Ms Doa Nofal met with the WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay



WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay was accompanied by Carla Khijoyan, WCC programme executive for the Middle East; and Marianne Ejdersten, WCC director of communication.

The Palestinian delegation provided an update on the current situation in the Holy Land with increased violations of human rights on the West Bank and Gaza, and attacks on worshippers. They acknowledged the very important work by the WCC and extended an invitation to the general secretary and the governance to visit the Holy land and meet with President Abbas.

The WCC will continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and stand firmly behind United Nations resolutions on the occupied territories, and we will speak out against all forms of injustice, regardless of where or who they come from,said Pillay. Pillay added, “We are concerned about religious freedom and while we have issued statements on the situation in Palestine and Israel, we recognize that greater intervention is needed.”


On 06 July 2023, Ambassador Ibrahim Khreisheh, Representatives of the State of Palestine Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Dr Omar Awadallah,  assistant minister for United Nations and Specialized Organizations and Ms Doa Nofal met with the WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, Ms Marianne Ejdersten WCC Director of Communication and Ms Carla Khijoyan, WCC programme executive for the Middle East.


The WCC is preparing for a visit to the Holy Land in October.

Pillay provided an update on the work in the Holy Land and from the latest meeting of the central committee 21-27 June, including the latest statements on Jenin.

Pillay underlined that The WCC condemns the assault and calls for the cessation of all violence in the West Bank including that from Israeli settlers.

"The WCC is worried because the longer the assault continues, the further the humanitarian situation will deteriorate," said Pillay.

The central committee urges in their statement the  international community to assume a greater role in supporting the protection of communities, and also calls on the international community “to take an active role to help reverse violent trends and to initiate practical solutions to achieve just and sustainable peace for all in the Holy Land, independent of political agendas and economic interests.”

The delegation discussed also the opening of the exhibition 11 September entitled “Bethlehem Reborn: The Wonders of the Nativityin the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. The  exhibition showcases the heritage and restoration work of the Church of the Nativity, part of the World Heritage property “Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem.

The exhibition is organized by the Permanent Delegation of Palestine to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization with the Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine, the Presidential Committee for the Restoration of the Churches, and the Embassy of the State of Palestine to the Holy See, along with the support of several private sector organizations. The local host in Geneva is the WCC.

Resources newly available for World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel

WCC calls for the cessation of all violence in the West Bank

WCC addresses territorial crises in eastern Mediterranean | World Council of Churches (

Bethlehem Reborn | The Wonders of the Nativity | Palestine

Photo Gallery for the Delegation from the Mission of the State of Palestine