“Brunnen,” a German word for “well,” will be a space for encounter and sharing, satisfying one’s thirst, greeting a visitor and welcoming a stranger at the assembly.
Brunnen also has a spiritual meaning: a space that shows diversity, as well as existing and expected unity.
At the assembly, the outdoor exhibition space is part of the Brunnen programme. It is an opportunity for assembly participants and the public to network and enjoy a wide range of diverse offerings and activities from across the ecumenical movement.
Exhibitions may include static presentations and displays such as photo essays, art exhibitions, etc. Proposed exhibitions should be rooted in the assembly theme and encourage participants to actively interpret and explore the exhibition content. Exhibitions spaces are 3x3 meter tents in the Brunnen area.
Brunnen exhibition and performance applications will come from member churches and ecumenical partners around the world.
Download the application forms: