The author spoke about the significance of unpacking the meaning of the 12-part summons of the Arusha Call. With an up-to-date theological and missiological view, the book also offers a personal reflection on the state of a world desperately in need of change and transformation.
“For anyone who wants to think about the meaning of Christian faith in today’s world, the 2018 Arusha Call to Discipleship is a text they should not miss,” said Ross. “The book offers a commentary on this seminal text, teasing out the significance of each phrase in the 12-part Call.”
Ross added that interpreting the Arusha Call is both an individual and collective act. “Reading it is deeply personal, a matter of the heart, but it also opens up broad horizons: the whole of humanity and the whole of creation,” said Ross. “I hope that the book will help readers to rediscover mission by embracing the Christ-connected way of life evoked by the Arusha Call.”
The book is co-published by the World Council of Churches and Publications.
Prof. Dr Obiora Ike, executive director,, said that Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples, shows how Christian discipleship can be brought about, particularly in a world that seems to be in a state of perpetual crises. He commented that this sense of crisis, “is magnified at every level through the tools of the social, print and mass media so that people are wondering whether there is meaning at all in life. This is why Ken’s book—Mission Rediscovered—comes into focus because there is a meaning in life”.
The discussion has been moderated by Rev. Dr Karen Georgia A. Thompson, associate general minister for Wider Church Ministries and Operations, United Church of Christ.
Download the book Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples