In many parts of the world, churches have been instrumental in bringing hope and transformation,” he said. “Admittedly, in some parts of the world churches have remained silent or complicit in perpetuating injustices and oppression.”
The church can make a difference, he said. “Here in the context of Cuba you have moved from colonial oppression and injustices as a Spanish colony to independence,” he said. “Slaves were imported from Africa, to work on the sugar and coffee plantations.”
Since independence in 1959, the state has achieved much progress, Pillay said. “However, as we know, as in any country there is always more that can be done,” he said. “Christianity in Cuba had been subject to strict control and anti-religious measures by the regime.”
However, since the 1990s, there has been substantially more freedom of religion, Pillay observed. “The church and Christians need to take up the mantle of responsibility and show the way in humility but with passion and love,” he said. “We should not be sleeping when the world is suffering.”
In fact, Pillay noted, the entire ministry of Jesus on earth was about renewal and transformation. “The resurrection points to a new beginning, a new hope and a renewed and transformed life,” he said. “It is a testimony to the fact that the powers of darkness and evil, sin and suffering, oppression and death can all find healing and restoration in the completed and victorious work of Jesus on the cross.”
The renewal of the mind should also lead to the renewal of the heart, Pillay said.
“The church cannot point fingers at the world without first attempting to get its own house in order,” he said. “No one will take us seriously if we do not practice what we preach.”
God’s presence in the world tells us that business as usual is no longer acceptable, Pillay said. “The time has come for us to be drawn into the unusual business of God,” he said. “The church today needs renewal in its mission as it faces various contextual challenges.”
Christians need to live in the power and hope of the risen Lord, Pillay continued. “We need to realise who we are and what we have been given in Christ,” he said. “This suffering and broken world is in need of healing and transformation.”
WCC general secretary met with Cuban president (WCC news release, 19 December 2023)