16 days

The campaign will run from 25 November through 10 December. 

Digital waterfall 

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers has created a digital waterfall” that is a spinoff of the WCC Thursdays In Black Waterfall of Solidarity and Resistance tapestry and publication.

Called One Canvas, Many Voices,” the digital waterfall will be promoted beginning 25 November, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, through 10 December, International Human Rights Day.

Thursdays in Black ambassador Jessica Roland is a Senior Specialist for Inclusive Peace for the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.

We invited members and supporters to create and submit their graphic art or written messages that represent their work and commitment to ending violence against women and girls,” she said. These contributions will be stitched together into a digital tapestry, symbolizing the strength and collective action and diverse perspectives unified by a common goal: a world free from violence.”

Contributors will send their submissions via a Canva link, and the digital tapestry will be shared across social media channels as well as through the Peacemaker Network newsletters

The ripple effect

Given the large number of YWCA staff, volunteers, and friends across the globe, one of the most impactful ways the organization will make a splash during 16 Days Against Gender-based Violence is through sheer visibility. 

Tens of thousands of World YWCA leaders may be found on any given Thursday, wearing black,” said Thursdays in Black ambassador Casey Harden, general secretary of the World YWCA.

Even in the hustle and bustle of their work day in an office or a field, caregiving for an ill family member or celebrating a birthday, volunteering or reading a book, or taking a walk outside after the heat of the day has passed or before a snow storm begins, YWCA leaders take a moment to dress in black for the day, and to have that regular act be the roots rage and hope, in personal solidarity against rape and violence,” she said.

Adrianna Sosa, World YWCA Board vice president for Haiti, said that Thursdays in Black is a powerful unifier for the voices of the global YWCA movement. It symbolises our collective strength and resistance as we stand together to end sexual and gender-based violence,” she said.

The YWCA has also developed a wide variety of resources, such as their Safe Spaces Guide and activities that can be used during the 16 Days, from posts on social media to their Safe Spaces guide and video resources

Addressing sexual harassment

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, headed by Thursdays in Black ambassador Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, is focusing this year on ways worshipping communities can address and end sexual harassment and gender-based violence within their own communities and organizations. 

Dr Mary Streufert, the churchs Director for Gender Justice and Womens Empowerment and the Quality of Call for Women in Ministry, highlights ELCA’s theological and social justice resources that “connect faith formation and dialogue to practical steps”. 

In an article, The Theology of Holy Communion Empowers Christians to End Sexual Harassment and Assault,” Streufert outlines how Martin Luthers theology of Holy Communion and his four themes of embodiment, power, unity and the Christian vocation of love set community expectations relating to sexual harrassment. 

The article calls attention to a sobering statistic: Nearly half of women in ministry report sexual harassment within congregational ministry, and over a tenth of men in ministry report the same.”

Her hope is that, through mutual faith formation about Holy Communion, Lutherans and other Christians have a faith-filled and faithful way to clarify the problem of sexual harassment and to feel empowered to name it and hold individuals and communities accountable to love of neighbor, not harm of neighbor.

Resources include Faith, Sexism, and Justice study guide and practical resources for systems of transparency and accountability.

 “The resources we are highlighting this year . . . go together to help Lutherans serve neighbors,” explained Streufert. 

16 Days against gender-based violence