Jerry Pillay

He noted that the World Methodist Council is marking a significant turning point, and facing global challenges that demand discernment and a faithful response. 

When things that we protect such as our culture, language, beliefs, theological views, race, ethnicity, identity feel threatened, we rather move on our own than move with God,” Pillay noted. As the World Methodist Council, you are now on the move as new leaders are elected, as you ask what God is calling you to do in the face of old and new challenges in the world today.”

Pillay reflected that he often sees churches going against God. Crises can be opportunities if we stop to ask what new thing God is calling us into,” he said. The idea of moving with God is a very powerful image in the scriptures.”

In fact, Pillay notes, biblical history details these movements in different stories. The kingdom or reign of God is not static but dynamic,” he said. The concept of pilgrimage in Christian theology is deeply rooted in the biblical narrative and reflects our relationship with God as a journey.”

This journey is characterized by movement, transformation, and a continual striving towards the divine, Pillay noted. We are called to step out in faith, leaving behind our comfort zones, and embarking on a path directed by Gods promises,” he said. As you journey into the future let it be a journey of faith.”

Pillay mentioned the virtues of discernment and detachment. We must cultivate the ability to listen to Gods call amidst the many misleading voices, even within our churches, that can lead us astray, sowing discord and confusion, and to act with courage and faith,” he said. We must cultivate the virtue of discernment, both individually and collectively, to remain faithful to the truth we have received from God in Jesus Christ.

Pillay acknowledged that change is difficult. We all struggle with change,” he said. We are glad to accept change so long as everything remains the same.”

But in life nothing is certain, he concluded. 

The journey may be rough and tough, but all will be well,” he said. God in Christ holds all things together.”

Read the full sermon

WCC general secretary will share insights at World Methodist Conference in Sweden - WCC news release, 14 August 2024