"The ceremony at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, in which students of ecumenical studies received their academic certificates, gave me much hope for the future of ecumenics,” he said. “I met future ecumenical leaders from all parts of the world, who passionately share the conviction that unity in our faith in Christ must also lead to unity of the churches.”
Bedford-Strohm met with staff from many different WCC programmes.
"In the temporary home of the Ecumenical Centre during its renovation I encountered a diverse group of competent and committed staff who are tirelessly working for the enhancement of spirituality, mission from the margins, public witness for human dignity and care for creation, for theological education, for the financial, administrative, and technical basis for all this and for communicating all the precious work into the wider public,” he said. “My intense talks and conferences with all of them made me proud to be the moderator of an institution, which tries to follow Christ‘s call to be salt of the earth and light of the world by working for justice, peace and overcoming hate and violence. The world deeply needs such witness!”
In addition to attending a graduation ceremony at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Bedford-Strohm met with Bossey faculty, and with members of the WCC Staff Leadership Group, as well as staff associated with Unity, Mission, and Ecumenical Formation; General Secretariat; Finance, IT, and Facility; and Life, Justice, and Peace.

WCC moderator Bishop Prof. Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm participated in the graduation ceremony at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, greeting the students of students of ecumenical studies on receiving their academic certificates.