A lifetime of devotion to the ecumenical movement shone when World Council of Churches (WCC) moderator Dr Agnes Abuom shared her reflections and hopes Sunday morning in a keynote speech on the final day of the ecumenical weekend. Her address was followed by a sermon in the Uppsala Cathedral by WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit.
Abuom overviewed the objectives and history of the WCC, with particular focus on milestone years, namely 1948 when WCC was founded, 1968 when a more progressive agenda against social injustices was adopted and in 1998 when the Decade of the Churches in Solidarity with Women (1988-1998) was completed.
In spite of this glorious and consequential ecumenical legacy, the world seems to be falling apart, Abuom concluded.
”Once again we are living in a crucial moment, a decisive time for humanity and the future of the planet because of the unprecedented character and scale of our challenges”, she pointed out.
She listed and elaborated further on five areas of challenges:broader unity, moral discernment, reshaping diakonia, generational challenges and the gender challenge.
Abuom summed up her address by inviting all to join the ecumenical movement and to take on the challenges ahead.
Tveit elaborated further on the theme of the weekend. ”Behold, I make all things new” in his sermon: ”The ecumenical movement of love appears with saltiness and clarity. It all began with Christ’s love and Christ’s call to share this love. That is why we seek unity, not for the sake of our own comfort, and peacefulness, but because the world needs the true signs of love”, he preached.
A well-attended ecumenical weekend manifesting a continued pilgrimage of justice and peace has come to an end. The ecumenical journey continues in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Read the speech by Dr Agnes Abuom
Read the sermon by Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit (also available in Swedish)
Unity, solidarity and hope at core of Ecumenical Weekend (WCC press release of 4 November 2018)
WCC moderator honoured by Church of Sweden, for efforts on Christian unity (WCC press release of 3 November 2018)
WCC condemns attack on Christians in Egypt (WCC press release of 2 November 2018)
WCC moderator, general secretary address Executive Committee (WCC press release of 2 November 2018)
Bishop Mary Ann Swenson: “We are called to serve” (WCC press release of 2 November 2018)
WCC, ACT reflect on ecumenical diakonia in historic meeting (WCC press release of 1 November 2018)
WCC Executive Committee convenes in Uppsala, Sweden (WCC press release of 1 November 2018)