Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
The history of the Church of Christ in China can be traced back to 1918 when a group of church leaders in China thought it necessary for the churches to become united and to form an indigenous church organization. The church consists of a national assembly, synods, district associations and local churches. The Hong Kong Council used to be under the jurisdiction of the Sixth District Association of Guangdong Synod. It was re-named the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China in 1953. Members of the council essentially include those churches, institutions and schools that were originally members of the Sixth District Association located in Hong Kong and Macau. The council became a self-supporting organization in 1974 and proclaimed as a "Three-Self" church in 1980. Its congregations are found in Hong Kong and Macao.
The HKCCCC is a uniting church consisting mainly of churches with Congregational and Presbyterian traditions. It emphasizes the universality and unity of the church, and focuses on sharing, witnessing and service. Following the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, the HKCCCC embraces partnership in mission, joint action for mission, and sharing for mission, which show the council's willingness to share its human-power, financial resources, and vision with member churches to achieve its objectives of mission and service. The council periodically offers training sessions, retreats, conferences, meditations, seminars, etc., to its young ministers, newly ordained elders and deacons and laypersons. It also supports theological education and places great emphasis on quality of ministries.
The council operates 26 secondary schools, three evening schools, 29 primary schools and four nursery schools. Member churches also sponsor one secondary school, five primary schools, and 22 nursery schools. There are a total of some 2,900 teachers and 53,000 students. It also runs three nurseries and two family support service centres. It has also been providing supervision and supporting services to social workers in the schools sponsored by the council. Some member churches also operate nurseries, and centres for youth and the elderly. The council also provides other supporting services such as the publication of Hui Sheng, a monthly journal for internal communication, and the establishment of a webpage. It also sponsors research, and manages homes for retired pastors and women preachers.
The council works ecumenically with local churches and church organizations. In addition, it cooperates with both overseas churches and churches in China. There are frequent exchanges and visits with the churches in China.