WCC-EAPPI Easter Initiative 2021
- Easter Initiative 2021
- Road from Jericho to Jerusalem
- Bethany and Jabal al Baba
- Mount of Olives
- Holy Sepulchre
This Easter initiative by the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI) sets out to connect the Biblical narrative with current realities in Palestine and Israel, to spotlight the injustices of life under occupation.
Taking stock of a series of geographical sites as described in the Bible as part of Jesus’ life, the initiative will provide opportunities for reflection on what life in those same geographical sites looks like today, both as holy sites treasured by local communities, and in view of the injustices caused by military occupation.
Through biblical reflection, prayer, advocacy engagement, and feature material highlighting present-day experiences in these sites, churches and partners around the world are invited to engage with the different narratives around Easter, also together with their local communities.
The objective is to raise awareness of the current situation in the places referred to in the Easter narrative among a wide constituency of Christians globally, and to promote stronger engagement in the search for a just peace among Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land.
In 2021, materials highlight four emblematic sites for the Easter narrative: The road from Jericho to Jerusalem; Bethany; the Mount of Olives; and the Holy Sepulchre.
Resources include a set of Bible studies – zeroing in on each station –, proposals for concrete advocacy efforts to be made by individuals and communities around the globe, as well as feature material consisting of photos, text and video to offer witness to current realities onsite today.
At the time that Jesus traveled on his way to Jerusalem there were communities along the road.
The Mount of Olives, in East Jerusalem, is where Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
The Holy Sepulcher is said to be the place where Jesus’ empty tomb and the 3 crosses were located 2000 years ago.
At the time that Jesus traveled this road on his way to Jerusalem there were communities along the road.This is where the Good Samaritan story took place. Today it is home to a number of Bedouin communities threatened by Israeli settlement expansion and forced displacement. One of these is called Khan al-Ahmar (The Red Inn).
What you can do
PRAY: Gracious God, you are the God of peace, we pray for the people of the Holy Land that they will be able to live with peace and security in their own homes. May your peace reign throughout this land removing the fear that has gripped the lives of so many especially the children who are afraid that their schools will be demolished
FAST: We invite you to fast for one day, combining the Lenten tradition of fasting for spiritual purposes with fasting as a form of opposition to injustice. Don’t eat for the day, but meditate and pray in solidarity with the people of Khan al Ahmar. Share your action on social media: #FastingForChange #KhanAlAhmar #NoToAnnexation
ADVOCATE: Demolitions and forced displacement can lead to de-facto annexation by enabling land confiscation and settlement expansion. Please get in touch with your elected representatives/church leaders and urge them to take meaningful action to stop the occupation and de-facto annexation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, thereby keeping hope for a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict alive.
For talking points and additional information, see full advocacy outline
From Bethany Jesus rode to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Today the village is divided by the separation barrier. Communities at the outskirts of East Jerusalem lost the ability to access the city and relevant services (education, health care, etc.). This is the location where Lazarus was resurrected.
What you can do
PRAY: Loving God, you have created us as one humanity. We come before you mindful of the barriers that exist that divide and keep your people alienated from each other. May the power of your love bring down the walls of separation, so that in working together we may find political solutions that support justice and everybody’s right to movement and access to services.
INVITE: Invite someone who has opposing views regarding the situation in Palestine and Israel into a conversation about annexation. Take this as a chance to start a conversation with a colleague, family member or friend. As a starting point, you can share the feature story with the person and invite the person into trying to see the situation through that person’s eyes.
ADVOCATE: The building of the separation barrier has led to a situation of de-facto annexation in areas of the West Bank that are situated between the barrier and the Green line, and severely impacts Palestinian communities on both sides of the barrier. Please get in touch with your elected representatives/church leaders and urge them to take meaningful action to stop the occupation and de-facto annexation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, thereby keeping hope for a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict alive.
For talking points and additional information, see full advocacy outline
The Mount of Olives, in East Jerusalem, is where Jesus wept over Jerusalem. From the gardens of the Mount of Olives Jesus was arrested. Today in East Jerusalem many Palestinian families face settlement expansion, demolitions, and evictions.
What you can do
PRAY: God of justice and peace we come praying for just peace in the Holy Land. We pray for the end of occupation, for reconciliation and for conflict resolution in every sphere of the lives of your people. We pray with Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives that your peace will be realized. May those who have lost their homes be enabled to build secure homes in their own land and to live in safety and without fear.
SHARE A MEAL: Share a meal with someone (virtually or in-person depending on local restrictions) and have a conversation about the feature story and the related issues. If possible use this Maamoul recipe which is used by Palestinians during religious holiday seasons.
ADVOCATE: East-Jerusalem and surrounding villages were annexed to the state of Israel in 1967 (officially 1980). This annexation has not been recognized by the vast majority of the international community as it contradicts international law. Settlement expansion, demolitions and evictions continue to impact the Palestinian population of occupied East-Jerusalem. Please get in touch with your elected representatives/church leaders and urge them to take meaningful action to stop the occupation and de-facto annexation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, thereby keeping hope for a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict alive.
For talking points and additional information, see full advocacy outline
The Holy Sepulcher is said to be the place where Jesus’ empty tomb and the 3 crosses were located 2000 years ago. The ancient stones of the building remain an important symbol for the local Palestinian Christian community as well as Christians worldwide.
What you can do
PRAY: Holy God, in you there is no darkness and from you radiates Holy Light which lightens all the world. We give thanks for the light of the resurrection which we have received by faith as we proclaim to the world ‘the Lord is risen indeed.’ May that resurrection light eliminate the veil of darkness that still exists in our world today. May that resurrection permeate the entire city of Jerusalem. May this city of two people and three religions be like a beacon of eternal hope that shines its holy light throughout the Holy Land and beyond into our world.
Reach out to your congregation and invite them to use and share both the WCC Easter Message and the Easter Message from the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem.
SPREAD LIGHT: Light a candle on Easter in reference to the Holy Fire of the Resurrection and post a picture on social media: #EasterLight #PeaceAndJustice #NoToAnnexation.
ADVOCATE: Churches, local and as well as Palestinian and Israelis NGOs, individuals on the ground and worldwide work to achieve an end of occupation and de-facto annexation. Support them by getting in touch with your elected representatives/church leaders. Urge them take meaningful action to stop the occupation and de-facto annexation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, thereby keeping hope for a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict alive.
For talking points and additional information, see full advocacy outline