Free Churches Group
Founded in 2001 (forerunner: the Free Church Federal Council, which was formed in 1940 as the result of the merger of the National Council of Evangelical Free Churches, founded in 1896, and the Federal Council of Evangelical Free Churches of England, founded in 1917).
Basis: The Evangelical Free Churches of England claim and cherish their place as inheritors, along with others, of the historic faith of Christendom, which found expression in the ecumenical creeds of the early and undivided church. There is One Living and True God, who is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Him alone we worship and adore. We believe that the Son of God, for us and for our salvation, became man in Jesus Christ; and that the Holy Spirit, who witnesses to us of Christ, makes the salvation which is in him to be effective in our hearts and lives. We receive, as given by the Lord to his church on earth, the holy scriptures, the sacraments of the gospel, and the Christian ministry. (Excerpts from the Doctrinal Statement.)