
Webinar: Seeking and serving the truth? What role do churches play in misinformation & disinformation?

How have churches or Christian communities been involved or implicated in disinformation or misinformation? What could churches do to prevent these cases? What concrete steps should be taken to engage against disinformation/misinformation?


5 December 2023
13:00 (Geneva)

In this webinar we would like to discuss these questions and provide a basis for future engagement of the churches on this topic. The webinar provides an overview of the state of disinformation/misinformation in general and case studies from various parts of the world will be shared.

The webinar is co-organised by the World Council of Churches and the World Association for Christian Communication, and is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.  It builds on previous work such as “Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age”.

This event will have interpretation to Spanish, French and Arabic.


Introductory InputEliot Higgins, Founder and Creative Director, Bellingcat

Case Studies:
Prof. Dr. Magali N. Cunha, Researcher on Communication and Religion, Institute of Studies of Religion, Journalist, Berea Project - Information and Fact-Checking, Brazil 

Rev. Dr. Lesmore G. Ezekiel, Director of Programmes, All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), Kenya 

Vaughn Geuseppe Alviar, Communicator, Philippine Independent Church, Philippines 

Kathleen Keefer, Presbyterian Women National Vice Moderator and chair, Justice and Peace Committee, USA

Moderator: Sara Speicher, Deputy General Secretary, World Association for Christian Communication, United Kingdom