Global Summit on Gender Equality in Nationality Laws
The summit is intended to heighten attention on the costs of gender discrimination in nationality laws and expedite action to achieve gender-equal rights across the globe, thereby advancing state commitments and global goals pertaining to gender equality, children’s rights and wellbeing, sustainable development, and ending statelessness.
Representatives of states, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, and UN agencies are cordially invited to attend this hybrid event. Speakers will share why equal nationality rights are essential to global goals. Arabic, English, and French interpretation will be provided.
WCC, a member of the UNHCR-convened Taskforce for a Global Alliance to End Statelessness, works with its partners to eliminate gender-discrimination in nationality laws, a key focus toward, in turn, eliminating statelessness and upholding women and men’s equal citizenship and equality in the family.
To register in-person click HERE
To register online click HERE