
End Femicide: Invest in Women’s Lives

A webinar on 8 March—International Womens Day—will address the societal norms and structures that perpetuate femicide—and steps for churches to seek healing and justice. 

TiB tapestry piece

An International Women’s Day Webinar, Friday, March 8, 13:00-14:30

Register here

An average of 133 women and girls are killed every day by an intimate partner or family member, according to UN Women. Like all forms of sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls, femicide is a tragedy that affects every country and territory across the globe. 

Speakers in this webinar will address the societal norms and structures that perpetuate femicide as well as steps for Church and society to seek healing and justice. This includes ways to invest in women’s safety and empowerment to disrupt the cycle of violence, save lives, and contribute to gender equality and sustainable development. 


Ms Ruth Mathen  (WCC Gender Justice Reference Group)


  • Ms. Esther Eghobamien-Mshelia (CEDAW Commissioner - Nigeria)
  • Ms. Janet Ngombalu (Country Director Christian Aid Kenya)
  • Rev. Yamina Apolinaris (President, Fellowship of the Least Coin)
  • Mrs. Mira J Washington (Church Women United)
  • Rev. Dr Anders Goranzon (Swedish Bible Society)
  • Prof. Azza Karam (President and CEO, Lead Integrity)
  • Dr Vinu Aram (Religions for Peace)