Doctorate in Theology (Ecumenical Studies)
The Doctorate in Theology (Ecumenical Studies) is a non-residential academic programme conducted jointly with the Autonomous Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Geneva, and intends to offer qualified students the opportunity to acquire specialised research competencies in the field of ecumenism.
The Ecumenical Institute is sensitive to a quality accompaniment and adopts a meticulous selection practice with regard to the candidate's profile, prospective performance and choice of research topic, with the latter having to relate clearly upon one of the faculty's fields of expertise. The institute reserves its right to restrict the number of applicants to be admitted.
Conditions for the application are:
- The successful completion of the Master of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies prior to the application;
- The approval of a professor as doctoral supervisor;
- The confirmation of the equivalence of the candidate's previous university degree;
- The submission of a proposal for a doctoral dissertation making obvious the ecumenical relevance of the theme.
Please, find application guidelines and form, as well as frequently asked questions here.