Contact magazine
Contact, a publication of the World Council of Churches, is being published by key partners from different regions of the world.
The following issues are available online:
- No. 200 June 2016: Advocacy: meaning, process and impact (2.3 MB)
- No. 195 November 2012: Non-communicable diseases: on the agenda in developing countries (2.5 MB)
Version française: Les maladies non transmissibles: sur l’agenda des pays en voie de développement (2,5 Mo) - No. 194 December 2013: HIV and AIDS in the new global era: a holistic approach for dignity of life (1.9 MB)
Version française: Le VIH et SIDA dans la nouvelle époque globale: une approche holistique pour une vie digne (2,1 Mo)
- No. 193 September 2011: FBOs on a mission: 30 years of supporting pharmaceutical services (4.5 MB)
Version française: Les OIC en mission: 30 ans de soutien aux services pharmaceutiques (4,5 Mo) - No. 192 Winter 2012: Women’s and children’s health and the role of FBOs in making it a reality (314 KB)
Version française: La santé des femmes et des enfants; le rôle des OC vers sa réalisation (577 KB)
- No. 191 April 2011: Access to medicines: key to MDGs on child health (2 MB)
Please fill in the reader's survey and let us know what you think about the magazine: Download the feedback form (MS Word, 242 KB)
Version française: L’accès aux médicaments: crucial pour les OMD pour la santé d’enfants (1,7 Mo)
Veuillez participer aussi à notre enquête de lecteur: merci de télécharger le formulaire de feed-back (MS Word, 246 Ko) - No. 190 Winter/Spring 2011: Human resource challenges in faith-based organizations (793 KB)
- No. 189 January - March 2010: Health system strenghtening: Focus on church based pharmaceutical human resources (4.9 MB)
Version française: Renforcement du système de santé: Focalisation sur les ressources humaines pharmaceutiques (2,6 Mo) - No. 187 January - May 2009: Essential medicines in primary health care (1.35 MB)
Version française: Médicaments essentiels en soins de santé primaires (1,7 Mo) - No. 186 November 2008: Food Price Crisis: What does it mean? What can we do about it? (1.7 MB)
- No. 185 October - December 2007: HIV and AIDS treatment: Faith-based organizations (FBOs) get involved (811 KB)
Version française: Traitement du VIH/SIDA - Implication des OC (920 Ko) - No. 184 May 2007: Human trafficking (7 MB)
- No. 183 October-December 2006: Promoting rational use of medicines (787 KB)
Version française: Promouvoir l'utilisation rationnelle des médicaments (1,4 Mo) - No. 182 August 2006: HIV PREVENTION: Current issues and new technologies (2.5 MB)
- No. 181 October-December 2005: Making access to essential medicines possible (352 KB)
- No. 180 December 2005: People's health assembly (1.4 MB)
- No. 180 Diciembre 2005: II Asamblea mundial de la salud de los pueblos (1.4 MB)
- No. 179 January 2005: Special issue on children (2.9 MB)
- No. 177-178 January 2004: HIV&Aids and malaria (1.2 MB)
- No. 176 January-March 2002: People's Health Movement (2.2 MB)
- No. 175 October-December 2001: "Community-based rehabilitation" (1.1 MB)
- No. 174 July-September 2001: "Community-based health insurance" (1.5 MB)
- No. 173 April-June 2001: "Combatting diseases of poverty":
- No. 172 January-March 2001: "Health for all" (1.4 MB)
- No. 171 October-December 2000: "Unequal access to effective treatment":
- No. 170 July-September 2000: "Faith and healing":
- No. 169 April-June 2000: "Lifestyles and health" (1.5 MB)
- No. 168 January-March 2000: "Tobacco. A global problem requires a global response." (2.5 MB)
- No. 167 October-December 1999: "Health and Healing in Times of Violence: Restoring broken bodies, minds and relationships (2.5 MB)
- No. 166 July-September 1999: "Reforming health in China: Strengthening the weak? (1.9 MB)
- No. 165 April-June 1999: "Facing Death - Discovering Life! Can we strengthen our response?" :
- No. 164 January-March 1999: "A Jubilee Assembly. An Agenda for Healing":
- No. 163 October-December 1998: "Trade or Health?" (637 KB)
- No. 161-162 August-September 1998: The CMC story - the story of the Christian Medical Commission, was the last, double issue of the CMC's bi-monthly newsletter CONTACT to be published in Geneva:
- No. 160 April-May 1998: Community-determined health care: The experience of rural Cameroon (1.7 MB)
- No. 159 February - March 1998: Globalization: What does it mean for health? (1.6 MB)
- No. 158 December 1997: Sustainability: Models in church-related health care (1.6 MB)
- No. 157 October 1997: Networking: Linking people for change (1.5 MB)
- No. 156 August 1997: Environment and health: Making the connection (1.7 MB)
- No. 155 June - July 1997: Spirituality and health: Can our beliefs help to heal us? (1.4 MB)
- No. 154 April - May 1997: Indigenous peoples: Their health, their solutions (1.5 MB)
- No. 153 February - March 1997: Ethics: Taking sides in health care (2 MB)
- No. 152 December 1996: Healing Community: Caring is part of the cure (1.5 MB)
- No. 151 October - November 1996: Healing traditions: Finding answers in gospel and cultures (1.5 MB)
- No. 150 August - September 1996: Health in the North: Learning from the South (1.5 MB)
- No. 149 June 1996: Migration and Health: Caring for those in our Midst (1.8 MB)
- No. 147 February - March 1996: Alcoholism and drug addition: What is the Christian response? (1.5 MB)
- No. 146 December 1995 - January 1996: Health financing crisis: Can communities afford to pay? (1.5 MB)
- No. 145 October - November 1995: Tackling Malnutrition: Can communities initiatives work? (1.5 MB)
- No. 144 August-September 1995: Women and AIDS: Building healing communities (1.4 MB)
- No. 143 June - July 1995: District Health Systems: Decentralizing for greater equity (1.5 MB)
- No. 142 April - May 1995: Healthier tourism: Struggling for development with dignity (1.2 MB)
- No. 141 February-March 1995: Financing Health Care: Strengthening partnerships to project the poor (1.8 MB)
- No. 140 December 1994: Youth and Health: Taking the lead today for a better tomorrow (1.5 MB)
- No. 139 October 1994: Rational use of drugs (2.1 MB)
- No. 138 August 1994: Community action for health: Let's get organized! (1.5 MB)
- No. 137 June 1994: Coordinating agencies: Churches working together for health (1.5 MB)
- No. 136 April 1994: Writing about health: Say what you mean and mean what you say (1.4 MB)
- No. 135 February 1994: Population: Sharing in wiser policies (1.6 MB)
- No. 134 December 1993: Resources Centres: Building living libraries (1.4 MB)
- No. 133 October 1993: Campaigning for breastfeeding: Church and community action (2 MB)
- No. 125 June 1992: (Re)training doctors for Community Medicine to meet the health needs of the majority (2.1 MB)
- No. 124 April 1992: Health development among the nomadic peoples of East Africa (2.5 MB)
- No. 123 December 1991: Saying no to the debt (4.4 MB)
- No. 122 October 1991: The Hospice Movement: Providing Compassionate and Competent Care for the Dying (1.5 MB)
- No. 121 August 1991: Children: Agents of Change in the restoration of their own rights, including health (1.8 MB)
- No. 120 June 1991: Health in the workplace: It's everybody's business (1.6 MB)
- No. 119 April 1991: Health in a search for wholeness: The journey of the Medical Mission Sisters (1.4 MB)
- No. 117 December 1990: AIDS: What are the churches doing? (2 MB)
- No. 116 October 1990: "We have don it ourselves!": Community-based Health Care Programme in the Machakos District of Kenya (1.2 MB)
- No. 115 July 1990: Kanak: The people of New Caledonia struggle to hold on to their culture and their healing tradition (1.1 MB)
- No. 114 May 1990: Tobacco and health: Behind the Smoke Screen (1.1 MB)
- No. 113 February 1990: The whole-person health ministry: The Bethel Baptist Experience, Kingston, Jamaica (1 MB)
- No. 112 December 1989: Our land is our life…and our health (1.4 MB)
- No. 111 October 1989: Breastfeeding for life (1.3 MB)
- No. 110 August 1989: Base Christian communities and health: Nangina CBHC Project (1.2 MB)
- No. 109 June 1989: Health, healing and wholeness in a wounded world (1 MB)
- No. 108 April 1989: Justice and Health: Latin America reality (1.1 MB)
- No. 107 February 1989: Essential drugs: A convincing concept (1.3 MB)
- No. 106 December 1988: Community-based or Oriented: the vital difference (1.3 MB)
- No. 105 October 1988: Health teaching made easier: How to create a manual (663 KB)
- No. 104 August 1988: Doing our Best All of us: Progress with Mental Disabilities (1.3 MB)
- No. 103 June 1988: Nazareth healing complex - a model of wholeness in health (947 KB)
- No. 102 April 1988: Empowering the people for H&D (1.1 MB)
- No. 101 February 1988: Health for one million: Just another slogan? (1.1 MB)
- No. 100 December 1987: Story-telling for health teaching (1.1 MB)
- No. 099 October 1987: Financing Primary Health Care Programmes: Can they be self-sufficient? (1.2 MB)
- No. 098 August 1987: National Black Women's Health Project: Empowerment through wellness (1.2 MB)
- No. 097 June 1987: Listening and caring - Toward healing of nations (0.9 MB)
- No. 096 April 1987: Enhancing mental health care in the community (1.3 MB)
- No. 095 February 1987: Updates on Malaria, AIDS, Guinea-Worm (1.0 MB)
- No. 094 December 1986: Letting people decide for themselves (0.9 MB)
- No. 093 October 1986: Infant feeding today - What's the best for the babies? (1.0 MB)
- No. 092 August 1986: Alcoholism - How can we help prevent it? (0.9 MB)
- No. 088 December 1985: A church leads the way in health and development (1.2 MB)
- No. 087 October 1985: Nurses: A resource to the community (1.1 MB)
- No. 086 August 1985: The child name's today (0.9 MB)
- No. 085 June 1985: Setting our priorities for health - 1985: CMC's meeting (1.4 MB)
- No. 084 April 1985: Answering 'why' - the Ghanaian concept of disease (3.2 MB)
- No. 083 February 1985: Today's Youth-what are their health needs? (0.9 MB)
- No. 082 December 1984: Evolution of a Community-Based Programme in Deenabandu (1.1 MB)
- No. 081 October 1984: The Church and Health; Reflections and Possibilities (1.1 MB)
- No. 080 August 1984: Women and Health; Women's Health Is more than a medical issue (1.1 MB)
- No. 079 June 1984: The Ceará Experience; Traditional Birth Attendants and Spiritual Healers as Partners in Primary Health Care (0.9 MB)
- No. 078 April 1984: Training health workers (0.9 MB)
- No. 077 February 1984: Rediscovering traditional community health resources: the experience of black churches in the USA (1.0 MB)
- No. 076 December 1983: That our children may live. The work of the Christian Medical Commission of the World Council of Church (1.2 MB)
- No. 075 October 1983: Planners' approaches to community participation in health programmes: theory and reality (1.1 MB)
- No. 074 August 1983: Malaria and tetanus: turning back the tide (1.4 MB)
- No. 073 June 1983: Strenghtening and regulating the supply distribution & production of basic pharmaceutical products (1.6 MB)
- No. 072 February 1983: The Health of Aboriginals in Australia (1.3 MB)
- No. 071 December 1982: Healing and sharing life in Community (1.1 MB)
- No. 070 October 1982: Healing streams in traditional societies - Heading towards integration (1.3 MB)
- No. 069 August 1982: Tackling Child Malnutrition in the Community (1 MB)
- No. 068 June 1982: Understanding the causes of world hunger (1.1 MB)
- No. 067 April 1982: The church and injustices in the Health Sector (1 MB)
- No. 066 February 1982: "Non-Systems" of Health Care in affluent societies. The churches look for alternatives (1.1 MB)
- No. 065 December 1981: Formal and informal health care in an Egyptian Delta Village (1.2 MB)
- No. 064 November 1981: Aging today: a question of values (1 MB)
- No. 063 August 1981: Getting essential drugs to the people (1.1 MB)
- No. 062 June 1981: Beyond mere survival to the more abundant life: An overview of the concerns of the CMC (1.4 MB)
- No. 061 April 1981: Full participation and equality (1.3 MB)
- No. 060 February 1981: International Year of Disabled Persons 1981 (1.3 MB)
- No. 059 December 1980: Nursing: The art, science and vocation in evolution (1.3 MB)
- No. 058 October 1980: Rediscovering an ancient resource…a new look at traditional medicine (1.7 MB)
- No. 057 August 1980: The Village Health Care Programme: Community-Supportive or Community-Oppressive? (An examination of rural health programmes in Latin America) (1 MB)
- No. 056 June 1980: Community Organization - one of the keys to Primary Health Care (1 MB)
- No. 055 February 1980: Participatory evaluation - an appropriate technology for Community Health Programmes (0.7 MB)
- No. 054 December 1979: Man and Healing - A biblical and theological view (0.8 MB)
- No. 053 October 1979: Community building starts with people - a report of the work of an ecumenical health and development agency in Nicaragua (0.9 MB)
- No. 052 August 1979: Safe water (1.4 MB)
- No. 051 June 1979: In search of wholeness…reaching out to one another in caring and healing (3 MB)
- No. 050 April 1979: The Nutrition of Mothers and Children - Recommendations for the IYC from the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (1.2 MB)
- No. 049 February 1979: The Village Health Committee: A case study of community participation from Sierra Leone (0.8 MB)
- No. 048 December 1978: Evaluation - Can it become collective creativity? (0.65 MB)
- No. 047 October 1978: Relationships . The Third Dimension of Medicine (1 MB)
- No. 046 August 1978: The churches take a new look at the contributions of people with disabilities…in the search for their liberation and isolation (0.8 MB)
- No. 045 June 1978: Appropriate Technologies for tackling malnourishment (0.65 MB)
- No. 044 April 1978: Realization of an integrated Health Services Programme in Rural India (1 MB)
- No. 043 February 1978: The planning dialogue in the community: Development of a Community Health Programme (Major Steps) (0.6 MB)
- No. 042 December 1977: Five challenges to the Churches in Health Work (0.5 MB)
- No. 041 October 1977: Rural Basic Health Services: The Lardin Gabas Way (0.7 MB)
- No. 040 August 1977: Making the Community Diagnosis (1 MB)
- No. 039 June 1977: The Annual Meeting of the Christian Medical Commission, 17-23 April 1977 (1 MB)
- No. 038 April 1977: Finding the Community in our crowded cities (1 MB)
- No. 037 February 1977: The Day the Afar called: Beginning a Health Plan for Nomads (1 MB)
- No. 036 December 1976: Health and Development in Zaire (1 MB)
- No. 035 October 1976: Breastfeeding - a myth or a must? (plus a brief note on Family-Retained Health Records in Botswana (1 MB)
- No. 034 August 1976: Rural Health Care in Bangladesh (1 MB)
- No. 033 June 1976: The patterns of medical practice in England and the Third World (1 MB)
- No. 032 April 1976: Self reliance and nutrition (1 MB)
- No. 031 February 1976: Community Health Care in Rural Java (1 MB)
- No. 030 December 1975: Family planning to benefit whom? (1 MB)
- No. 029 October 1975: Towards a broader understanding of support and healing: The Church's Healing Ministry in Africa (1 MB)
- No. 028 August 1975: Is Primary Health Care the New Priority? Yes, but… (1 MB)
- No. 027 June 1975: The Hospital in Society. Health, Attitudes and Values (1 MB)
- No. 026 April 1975: Health Care for all - the new priority (1 MB)
- No. 025 February 1975: Primary Health Care and the Village Health Worker (1 MB)
- No. 024 December 1974: Medical Education (1 MB)
- No. 023 October 1974: A guide to Nutrition Rehabilitation (1 MB)
- No. 022 August 1974: Towards a Christian Perspective in Family Planning (1 MB)
- No. 021 June 1974: The role of health professionals, an identity problem (1 MB)
- No. 020 April 1974: Some steps through which hospitals may become more deeply involved in Community Health Care (1 MB)
- No. 019 February 1974: The Chimaltenango Development Project (1 MB)
- No. 018 December 1973: The Under-Fives' Clinic (1 MB)
- No. 017 October 1973: The Hospital and the health of the community (1 MB)
- No. 016 August 1973: Health Care and Justice (1 MB)
- No. 015 --- 1973: Kwun Tong Community Health Project of the United Christian Hospitals, Hong Hong (1 MB)
- No. 014 April 1973: Traditional Beliefs, Health and Christianity (1 MB)
- No. 013 February 1973: Rural Health: Vanga Hospital, Republic of Zaire (1 MB)
- No. 012 December 1972: China and the less developed nations (1 MB)
- No. 011 October 1972: Using Medical Auxiliaries. Some Ideas and Examples (1 MB)
- No. 010 August 1972: Comprehensive rural health project, Jamkhed, India (1 MB)
- No. 009 June 1972: Mental Health, Christian Medical Mission and the Future Concept of Comprehensive Health Care (1 MB)
- No. 008 April 1972: Towards an appropriate Health Care Technology (1 MB)
- No. 007 February 1972: Family Service Centre Programme (1 MB)
- No. 006 December 1971: Malnutrition in the world today (1 MB)
- No. 005 October 1971: The Koje Do Project (1 MB)
- No. 004 July 1971: Dialogue on Moral Issues and Health Care (1 MB)
- No. 003 March 1971: Leprosy control and treatment (1 MB)
- No. 002 March 1971: Community medicine (1 MB)
- No. 001 November 1970: Secular and Christian Models of Health and Salvation (1 MB)