6 October 2018, Jordan Valley, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories: 40-year-old Deab Abu Malik herds his sheep in the Jordan Valley on the West Bank. Ecumenical Accompaniers from the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine in Israel accompany shepherds in many parts of the West Bank, providing an international presence known to have a mitigating effect on confrontations between Israeli settlers and the Palestinians. EAs' presence also helps Palestinians access lands they otherwise might not have dared to continue to cultivate. In the West Bank’s Area C, any land that isn’t cultivated for a period of three years becomes property of the state, the shepherds explain, so accessing their lands regularly is vital for the communities and their herds.


Iniciativa de Pascua 2023

Este año durante la Pascua, el CMI destaca las actuales realidades y dificultades en relación con las celebraciones religiosas en Tierra Santa.

Este año durante la Pascua, el CMI destaca las actuales realidades y dificultades en relación con las celebraciones religiosas en Tierra Santa, uniéndose a las comunidades locales en la acción y la oración para garantizar la protección de la libertad de culto en una tierra tan merecedora de justicia, paz y dignidad.

Estudios bíblicos
Campañas de años anteriores
WCC-EAPPI Easter Initiative 2022

The Easter initiative 2022 by the WCC Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel seeks to connect the sacredness of Jerusalem with what is sacred to us as human beings: home, worship, family, identity, human dignity and life, and solidarity.

WCC-EAPPI Easter Initiative 2021

The Easter initiative 2021 by the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI) sets out to connect the Biblical narrative with current realities in Palestine and Israel, to spotlight the injustices of life under occupation.